Highlandville MO

Mable Campbell, the postmaster in Highlandville Missouri, is a very pleasant and friendly person. She has worked in the post office since 1921. She is a widow and has two sons: Paul, a Highlandville businessman, and James Wayne, a zoologist and assistant professor at the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas. Both of her sons are now grown and live in other parts of the country. A little about them is listed below.

The median income in Highlandville is $48,125, which is lower than the $65,712 national average. The median income in Highlandville, Missouri was $46,797 in 2018, representing a 2.84% annual growth. The median annual income in Highlandville is lower than the median income in neighboring geographies and its parent geographic areas. The median annual income in Highlandville is lower than the median for Missouri. However, there are some things to consider when looking for a home in this area.

The city of Highlandville, MO is located in Christian County, Missouri. Its population is 963. The area is part of the Springfield, Missouri metropolitan area. The city has a large selection of accommodations. Depending on the type of trip, there are many types of accommodations. Choose one that meets your needs, or the trip’s goals. Whether you need a pet-friendly stay, a gym, or a place for your children to play, you’ll find the right accommodation in Highlandville.

Highlandville, MO’s residents use various modes of transportation. The majority of households in the city own two cars, and the smallest percentage is false. Health insurance is widely available in Highlandville, MO. Eighty-four percent of residents are covered through an employer plan. Sixteen percent of residents have Medicaid or Medicare insurance. Only 2.14% of the population has military or VA health insurance. With so many options, it’s not surprising that the community has so many people with health insurance.

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Highlandville, MO. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest #1 Wacky Jack’s Grille & Saloon, 3632 State Hwy EE, Highlandville, MO 65669

Point Of Interest #2 Greenhouse Two Rivers, 1122 Two Rivers Rd, Highlandville, MO 65669

Point Of Interest #3 Porky’s Pizza, 226 Woodfield Dr, Highlandville, MO 65669

Point Of Interest #4 McCallister Marine LLC, 151 Phoenix Dr, Highlandville, MO 65669

Point Of Interest #5 Cookies Antique Mall, Highlandville Rd, Highlandville, MO 65669

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