
Implementing Proven Practices

Fueling and executing performance and system growth.


At Contender Esports, we understand that being at the head of the pack in the category requires us to often look past what’s right in front of us, to what lies on in the future. Maintaining our relevancy and guest loyalty has been the secret to our success today and in the days to come. Our ability to deliver an unbelievable guest experience, tailored to their specific ” desire”, comes from our leadership, culture and commitment to franchisee success.


We continually view the “momentum” of our company through KPI’s that are unquestionable measurements of our growth. We understand that our achievements have always started with a great thought that is shared, developed and seamlessly instituted by passionate individuals that share our dreams. In all areas of our business model and corporate structure, we have got the ball rolling and paved a well- planned path that directs us to help our stores improve their growth and strengthen their customer base that love our products.